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“I am drawn to the roles that require giving one's whole self over fully — fierce, all-encompassing, emotional, and soul-bearing.”


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”It’s so important to be vulnerable on stage, to allow yourself to ’go there‘ as an actress and draw people into your story.”

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”I am always willing to try someone’s else’s ideas. Being both prepared and consistent makes that process easy.”

What they’re saying......

“Melinda Whittington as Mimi could blow your hair back in the top balcony with her electrifying high notes. And she offers a refreshingly playful portrayal ... ”

– Star Tribune (Minneapolis)

“Melinda Whittington’s Tatyana not only exhibited a lovely soprano, but used it for dramatic effect. Her letter scene was impassioned and the final confrontation with Onegin was most effective.”

– Opera News

“Melinda Whittington ... drawing the loudest ’Brava‘s of the entire performance with a goose-bumping interpretation of ‘Dove sono’ which was the highest point of the evening.”

– Opera Lively

“Rarely is Micaëla’s aria in Act Three, ‘Je dis, que rien ne m’épouvante,’ the zenith of a performance of Carmen, but Whittington’s traversal of the aria, crowned with a phenomenal top B, deservedly received the most enthusiastic ovation of the evening.”

– Voix des Artes

”Melinda Whittington was a poignant, tragic Rusalka who enchanted the audience and brought them into her world...“

– Opera Today

“Melinda Whittington...deliver[ed] performances of emotional resonance along with...powerhouse vocals.”

 – Salt Lake City Tribune